Python Fundamentals Curriculum 2023
Python Fundamentals
Learning to Code
Level 1
Get Started
Python Syntax
Python Comments
Python Variables
Python Data Types
Python Numbers
Python Casting
Python Strings
Python Booleans
Python Operators
Python Lists
Python Tuples
Python Sets
Python Dictionaries
Python Fundamentals
Learning to Code
Level 2
Python If...Else
Python While Loops
Python For Loops
Python Functions
Python Lambda
Python Arrays
Python Classes/Objects
Python Inheritance
Python Iterators
Python Scope
Python Modules
Python Dates
Python Try...Except
Python User Input
Python String Formatting
Python Fundamentals
Web Automation
Level 3
Using Chrome Dev Tools
What is Selenium
Locating by CSS Selector
Locating by ID
Locating by Tag Name
Locating by XPath
Locating by Link Text
Opening and Closing Windows
Opening and Closing Tabs
Input Elements
Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
Dropdown Menus
File Upload and Download
Keyboard Actions
Python Fundamentals
Data Science
Level 4
Data Structures & Attributes
Structuring Programs
Complex Data Structures
Packages & OOP
Arrays & Dataframes
Analyzing & Visualizing Data
Linear Regression
Statistical Modeling
Theory of Linear Regression
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression
Overfitting & Outliers
Evaluating Models
Virtual Classroom
Special Offer for Schools
Virtual Classroom
Redesign the Future of Learning